100th Anniversary Australian Grand Prix in Goulburn - Feature Rally

Sunday 23 June 2024


Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Goulburn’s 1924 Motorcycle Grand Prix and join their feature rally, mirroring the original race route. Motorcycles will assemble at Goulburn’s Recreation Area,…

Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Goulburn’s 1924 Motorcycle Grand Prix and join their feature rally, mirroring the original race route.

Motorcycles will assemble at Goulburn’s Recreation Area, departing in chronological order, covering approximately 80 kilometres. Note: an extra 5 kilometres each way to and from the rally start and finish points.

All motorcycle makes and models are welcome, provided they are fully registered or under historic registration. Marshals, backup drivers, lead riders, and guides will ensure a smooth journey.

Expect the cold of Goulburn in June, but relish this rare chance to honour the past and those who raced a century ago. Family members, aspiring riders, seasoned professionals, and enthusiasts alike will share in this historic event.

It's more than just a ride; it's a journey through time, connecting riders with the spirit of those who paved the way. Whether you're tracing family history, chasing dreams of motorcycle stardom, or simply revelling in the joy of riding, this rally promises memories that will last a lifetime. Pay homage to the pioneers of motorcycle racing and create new legends on the road.

Free for spectators to view from vantage points. Shuttle buses ($5 each way) commence at 9am from Recreation Area dropping off to vantage points along the course and return to Recreation Area. Buses run every 30mins.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.