Beer Can House


This miners camp was built by Gary Holms, his wife Pat and four children from December 1977-February 1978 - The last year they had steel beer cans! The family started with big rocks on the bottom…

This miners camp was built by Gary Holms, his wife Pat and four children from December 1977-February 1978 - The last year they had steel beer cans!

The family started with big rocks on the bottom but found they were too heavy for the children to lift - so on went the cans.

The floor was layed on a scorching February day in 1998 and was rock hard before it could be levelled. Garry was halfway through the back wall and remembered windows so cut up a fruit box to make them, the round windows were made from the bottom of a "puddler."

The site is open for guided or self guided tours, donations towards the houses restoration are welcome.

The House that cans built!

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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