Heritage Tourism


Heritage Tourism provides ghost and history walks of Milton NSW and Heritage holiday tours of Norfolk Island. Daytime and nighttime history and ghost tours of Milton Ulladulla can be arranged for…

Heritage Tourism provides ghost and history walks of Milton NSW and Heritage holiday tours of Norfolk Island.

Daytime and nighttime history and ghost tours of Milton Ulladulla can be arranged for coaches and also for walking tours.

There are several different tours available. These include Step Back in Time - coach tours of Milton and Ulladulla; Discover Your Ancestors - a guide to the local cemeteries; Ghosts Walk of Milton - night walks; and Twilight history walks of Old Ulladulla.

Heritage Tourism Tours also offers tailor-made tours of the Milton Ulladulla region and Norfolk Island, so contact them now to discuss your needs.

Group and coach bookings are welcome.

Heritage Tourism also provides Heritage Holidays to Norfolk Island. History lover's holidays on Norfolk Island are also available.