Bongil picnic area


Easily reached from Coffs Harbour and Sawtell, Bongil picnic area is a tranquil spot to kick back and relax beside Bonville Creek. Enjoy a family picnic under one of the shelters, or roll out the…

Easily reached from Coffs Harbour and Sawtell, Bongil picnic area is a tranquil spot to kick back and relax beside Bonville Creek.

Enjoy a family picnic under one of the shelters, or roll out the picnic rug on the grassy clearing surrounded by tall, pencil-straight blackbutt trees.

Keep an eye out for the local wildlife. You might be lucky to see a koala or swamp wallaby. Bring your binoculars to spot cormorants, kingfishers, and waterbirds that are attracted to the bushland and waterways.

After a tasty barbecue lunch, admire the view of Bonville Creek from the nearby viewing platform. Head to the pontoon for a spot of fishing or to explore the park by canoe or kayak.

Walkers and cyclists can take advantage of the network of tracks and trails in this area of Bongil Bongil National Park. Why not stretch your legs along the 5km return walk that runs from North Bank walk to Moller Drive at West Sawtell.

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