The Old Gundagai Gaol


Entertaining and informative self-guided audio tours of this heritage site are available daily at the Gundagai Visitor Information Centre. Call into the Centre to pick up an Audio and headphones, a…

Entertaining and informative self-guided audio tours of this heritage site are available daily at the Gundagai Visitor Information Centre. Call into the Centre to pick up an Audio and headphones, a map and a key and head up to the Gaol to start your tour.

Explore cells that held the infamous bushrangers Moonlite and Peisley. Enjoy world-class narration of various stories of law and order in a frontier town.

The Old Gundagai Gaol stands at the corner of First Avenue and Byron Street, surrounded by a high wall of local slate with rendered capping.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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