Devil's Hollow Brewery


Devil’s Hollow Brewery consists of a 12HL brewhouse with a kitchen, cafe and brewpub in Dubbo, home to the world famous Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Devil’s Hollow Brewery is the first of its kind…

Devil’s Hollow Brewery consists of a 12HL brewhouse with a kitchen, cafe and brewpub in Dubbo, home to the world famous Taronga Western Plains Zoo.

Devil’s Hollow Brewery is the first of its kind in Central New South Wales and offers a relaxed vibe, where customers can enjoy handcrafted beers, quality meals and ME coffee, suited to the region.

Through their venue, coffee, food and beer, every occasion will be one their patrons will enjoy and love to spread the word.

Open 7 days a week for breakfast (weekends only), lunch and dinner (Wed-Sun).

Allows a person's carer free entry into participating venues and events

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Adhere to The Food Authority requirements for allergy management in food preparation

Ask all visitors if there are any specific needs to be met

Caters for people who use a wheelchair.

Caters for people with allergies and intolerances.

Have a step free main entrance to the building and/or reception area (includes ramps or slopes with a maximum gradient of 1:14, otherwise are too steep for wheelchairs)

Have a wheelchair accessible toilet / shower and change room

Have accessibility information and photos, including of a bathroom, room and/or floor plan on your website (can be emailed on request)

Have an accessible public toilet which is unlocked

Have step free access to restaurant, lounge and bar

Have step free outdoor pathways (includes picnic areas, barbecues and shelters)

Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints

Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone

Provide assistance with booking arrangements (includes providing clear itineraries with written instructions on what to do at various destinations)

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